Frequently asked questions

  • What is massage therapy?

    The science bit!

    The skin has a variety of nerve cell receptors that communicate with the brain to identify different types of touch, for example: the Meissner receptors detect light touch, the Pacinian Corpuscles perceive deep pressure and vibrational changes, the Ruffini endings detect deep pressure and stretching of the skin’s collagen fibres, Free Nerve endings located in the epidermis respond to pain, light touch and temperature variations and the Merkel receptors respond to light touch induction over the skin.

    Massage therapy is, therefore, the interaction between the therapist’s hands and the nerve cells within the skin that brings about a change within the superficial soft tissues of a persons body.

    As a therapist, I use different modalities to help bring about a change in a persons soft tissues, I use vibrational therapy, sound therapy, heat therapy, suction therapy, light and deep touch therapy and talking therapy

  • What can massage help with?


    Many studies have linked massage therapy to improved functioning of the immune system. In one 2010 study & recent studies by the BBC, massage was shown to improve the production of white blood cells that fight against disease.


    A relaxing massage may help to reduce your anxiety & stress levels by having a calming effect on your nervous system.


  • What type of massage treatment should I book; Deep Tissue or Relaxing?

    It depends upon what type of touch therapy brings about a change within your body. Some people react better to a deeper pressure on the skin, others react better to a lighter pressure on the skin.

    Both ultimately create the same change within the body.

  • What is Lymphatic massage?

    A lymphatic massage is a very gentle massage that encourages the lymphatic system to take up excess fluid within the body using slow rhythmic touch therapy.

    LM is good for people who suffer with oedema (water retention) this also includes: post operative oedema.

    LM is good for conditions such as fatigue, arthritis, fibromyalgia and migraine.

  • Should I book a Sports massage or Deep tissue massage?

    Sports massage ultimately addresses the management and recovery of injuries. I am currently undergoing retraining in this area of expertise and therefore only offer a basic sports massage service at present to include: a basic joint assessment, massage therapy and taping techniques to help with your specific issue.

    Deep tissue massage is a massage that does not address the injury side of things but does offer a therapeutic approach to tension and restrictions that you may be feeling within your body.

  • How long does the treatment last?

    Treatments last for one hour unless you specify you would like to book a treatment that requires a longer duration.

  • Do you offer a mobile service?


    There is an increased cost for this service due to travel time and fuel costs.

  • What is Reflexology?

    Reflexology uses specific pressure techniques that are applied to the feet and lower legs. The reflex areas on the feet correspond to specific areas of the body (meridians) & when pressure is applied to the feet this may help to enhance the healing process

    This treatment incorporates the use of heat & sound therapy to enhance healing.

    Reflexology is a relaxing treatment.

  • Cancellation Policy

    Peak Therapies requires a 12 to 24hour notice period to cancel or reschedule your appointment without incurring a cost to yourself.

    Cancelling up to and including six hours before your scheduled appointment will incur a 50% fee of your treatment cost.

    Cancelling one to five hours before you scheduled appointment will incur the full cost of your treatment.

    Not attending your appointment will cost you the full cost of your treatment.

    Personal circumstances will be taken in to account.